Thursday, January 25, 2007

Community and Love in a Post-Place World

In response to Herb essay: " In lieu of local criteria and local understanding, design has become rigorously placeless. We teach our potential designers to use precedents freely from across time and space, teach them to design in materials like foam core and basswood, teach them to design in media like FormZ and AuctoCad."
I really appreciate this statement, and I will use it as a reminder for me as the designer. The purpose of why am I here.

Sometimes we are so caught up using the new and fantastic technology to create beautiful spaces and places, but yet many of us have no answer when someone asks the intent of the design.
Cell phones, and Internets are created for fast, easy accessible communication among people, but many times we do not have time to spend and to communicate with our family, and friend.

Design is form-making in order
Form emerges out of a system of construction
Growth is construction
In order is creative force
In design is the means ... where with what when with how much
The nature of space reflects what it wants to be…

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