Sunday, December 31, 2006

New Year, New Learning Experience at BAC

Goodbye 2006, Welcome 2007. It takes a while for me to think of what to write in my first blog. I guess with New Year coming, I need to learn how to use blog as a form of communication. I always have big interest with new electronic gadget, Internet, etc, but never cross my mind to use blog as a part of my education. This will be interesting. The invention of Internet really open up doors in virtual world that can be explore, and I believe what we see now is only beginning.

Ok, before I'm going to far with my first blog, let me see if I did properly to publish my "1st Blog" ever :)

1 comment:

Herb Childress said...

Hi, Felix.

This is my first blog experience as well. Given that I write for a living, my temptation is going to be to spend extra time crafting exactly how I want to phrase everything I post, instead of just posting.