Monday, February 5, 2007

assignment for week 4


F.R. said...

Not sure why, but my blog is acting up.. won't let me add pictures, and text in one submission, etc, hopefully I can sort this out by tomorrow

F.R. said...

Does anybody have the same problem, where the edit button is missing; hence I can't put any text? I check my setting, it has the pencil (quick editing check) but for some reason it didn’t show up on my blog

F.R. said...


I still can't edit my blog to add text,let me know if the detail drawings make sense.
I did add another section study or signature element, because it helps me to understand the relationship of the actual pods with the overal building scheme.

Anne McQuown said...

I like the level of detail in your research pod. How does the pod fit into the building? I also enjoy that you can walk through the corner of the building.

Kyle Basilius said...

Felix how is it going? call me we need to digress about what is left and due for the paper and running out of hours in life!!

Are you going to do an overal plan for the building and building section? Just do a brief overview so we get a grasp of how it is set up.

F.R. said...

I'm running out of time too Kyle. I'm trying to post some of my work on Monday. According to the assignment (no more/no less) we only need 2 floor plans, 2 exterior, and 3 sections. I might have 1 exterior and 4 sections. But I might change my mind.

F.R. said...

Hi Ann,

Sorry for being so late answering your questions!
Please follow the link bellow, the discussion I had with Chris.